Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy below, and if you agree with our handling of personal information, please contact us
using the form below.

1.Personal Information

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Nibutani Works Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) may ask you to enter your name, e-mail address, and other personal information when you make an inquiry.
Personal information obtained will only be used to contact you by e-mail or other means to provide necessary information, such as responses to your inquiries, and will not be used for any purpose other than these.
With respect to the handling of personal information obtained, we will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines and other guidelines concerning the protection of personal information, and other relevant laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will properly manage the personal information we obtain and will not provide the personal information we obtain to any third party. In the future, when providing information to third parties, we will present the information to be provided and its purpose, and will only do so with the consent of the user, and will not disclose the information to third parties except in the following cases.
・When the consent of the person in question has been obtained
・When disclosure is required by law



This site assumes no responsibility for any damages caused by the posted content.
While we strive to provide accurate information for each content, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or safety of the information.
Please note that we are not responsible for the information and services provided on other sites linked to ours.

3.Use of Cookies

Use of Cookies

This site uses cookies for advertising delivery and access analysis.
Cookies allow this site to identify your computer, but they do not allow us to identify you personally.
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can set your browser to disable cookies.



Copyrights to the text and images on this site belong to the operator. Unauthorized reproduction beyond the legally permitted scope of quotation is prohibited.

ContactContact form

Nibutani Works provides consultation on the utilization of Ainu culture and crafts,
no matter how large or small.
Please feel free to contact us first.